Hello Supporter!
I have a problema with WP Bakery Builder and it’s really weird. I already deactivated, deleted, install it and activate it twice and the problem is still happening.
The first thing is that everytime I open an Element to edit it, the first tab is always on blank and I have to open the next tab so I can open first to edit it. (image1, image2 and image3)
The second thing is that I want to select in the Elements the options that WP Bakery Builder offers me like in Text Block I can only use HTML tab to make text but I cannot press the option of Visual cause nothing happens? Whats going on? (image4)
And the third problem is that although I cannot see that I am editing, no changes are being made or saved since pressing on save changes.
I am really worried about this problem because it is not letting me advance properly with my project and I need an immediate solution. I have bought this template knowing the integrations and they are failing me.
Can you help me?
Best regards
Please, update the theme, current version is 1.4.1.
Ok perfect I can update it! but it’s still not working
Everything works. Try to clear the browser cashe.
The section of Cars, I can’t edit the HTML with Visual Composer yet :c it’s only HTML code
Hello Alexey!
I don’t whats going on but the problem is happening once again, I cannot use WP Bakery Builder appropriately. I cannot add images, text and I cannot save either, is there something with this plugin? I was trying to edit Contáctanos page and was blocked, I created another page to test it and still is not saving my changes.
Best Regards
You have this error in browser console https://take.ms/Z7XPh on default theme without active plugins. It’s look like a virus. Try to reinstall WordPress.
Ok thanks! I will notify this as soon as I have the reinstallation!
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