hello, is there a way to assign the booking plugin to inform two different non administrator users?
Try to use plugin Better Notifications for WordPress.
hello, thank you i will check it. one more thing please.
i cannot find out where to set the email that will be informed about the appointment booking.is it just the admin or can i set another email?
so, just one email,the one of the admin?no way to change this?
hello, i have installed it but there is no notification settings for appointments.could it be this ? https://snag.gy/ujnis2.jpg
i understand that it is far away from your support policy,but just asking,thank you
Use this plugin Notification — Custom Notifications and Alerts for WordPress with the next code in functions.php:
add_filter( 'notification/settings/triggers/valid_post_types', function( $post_types ) { $post_types[] = get_post_type_object( 'booked_appointments' ); return $post_types; }, 10 ,2 );
This will be add Appointments to custom post types.
hello, i really cannot manage to do it even though i have installed both plugins and added the code.
the appointments have come up in posts but here https://snag.gy/91FMUL.jpg i cannot see where to enter the email to be sent to (notification to web site owner-not admin) when an appointment is being made. could you please set it or show me the way, because i can’t see the trick??
thanks a lot
1. the “<span style=”color: #666666; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Email from</span>” must be left empty and will be filled by the system, with the sender’ email?
2. regarding “<span style=”color: #666666; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Here email content</span>” what exactly do i do with the posts?
3. i, as admin still recieve the appointment notification
1. Sender is your server. You can enter email you want or leave empty and it will be filled by the system with wordpress@flashive.eu.
2. You can use Merge tags to add information about added Appointment. For example {booked_appointments_creation_datetime} will show Appointment creation date and time
can you please check why i am still recieving the appointment notification on giannisth2004@yahoo.gr ?
i need it to be sent to nasiderakos@flashive.eu and elpappas@flashive.eu
thanks in advance
hi, i guess this is in Add New Notification? https://snag.gy/UnIGVe.jpg
or somewhere else?
i still got it in my admin email even if i entered the values https://snag.gy/mPGTs1.jpg
Try to disable admin notification from Appointment Settings http://joxi.ru/l2Z1GJguzVNGBm
hello, it seems to work now the two emails recieve the appointment notification.
thank you!
but unfortunatelly they do not see efficient information e.g the name, the email and the content.it does not seem to take data from the appointment form.any idea how to solve this?i have been trying to enter the{} on the right but with no success
and the result
P.S only the admin sees some info
Try to use Appointment published event http://take.ms/LBTJx
Does contact form email problem still exist?
1.it does work with appointments published but on other 2 sites it works perfectlelly with appointments added!!so what is happening?
2. the contact list is ok now
also why isn’t the form data viwable? https://snag.gy/mLg4uV.jpg
in the appointment form the guest user enters name, last name,email and extra field data.but it is not shown in the recieved email.can’t it be shown in the email so as to avoid entering every time in the dashboard appointment plugin?
thank you
Try this https://docs.bracketspace.com/docs/adding-merge-tags-to-existing-triggers/
Or you can try to ask plugin authors https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/notification
hi and where do i add this code ,in functions.php?
also what do i need to change in this code in order to the guest user enter name, last name,email and extra field data. and show it in the info@samcorp.cm email?
Yes, in functions.php
I’m not sure about extra field data:
add_action( 'notification/trigger/registered', function( $trigger ) { // Check if registered Trigger is the one we need. if ( $trigger->get_slug() != 'wordpress/booked_appointments/added' ) { return; } $trigger->add_merge_tag( new BracketSpace\Notification\Defaults\MergeTag\StringTag( array( 'slug' => 'booked_first_name', 'name' => __( 'Guest First Name', 'guardteam' ), 'resolver' => function( $trigger ) { return get_post_meta( $trigger->booked_appointments->ID, '_appointment_guest_name', true ); }, ) ) ); $trigger->add_merge_tag( new BracketSpace\Notification\Defaults\MergeTag\StringTag( array( 'slug' => 'booked_last_name', 'name' => __( 'Guest Last Name', 'guardteam' ), 'resolver' => function( $trigger ) { return get_post_meta( $trigger->booked_appointments->ID, '_appointment_guest_surname', true ); }, ) ) ); $trigger->add_merge_tag( new BracketSpace\Notification\Defaults\MergeTag\StringTag( array( 'slug' => 'booked_email', 'name' => __( 'Guest Email', 'guardteam' ), 'resolver' => function( $trigger ) { return get_post_meta( $trigger->booked_appointments->ID, '_appointment_guest_email', true ); }, ) ) ); $trigger->add_merge_tag( new BracketSpace\Notification\Defaults\MergeTag\StringTag( array( 'slug' => 'booked_custom_select', 'name' => __( 'Custom Field', 'guardteam' ), 'resolver' => function( $trigger ) { return get_post_meta( $trigger->booked_appointments->ID, '_cf_meta_value', true ); }, ) ) ); }, 10, 2 );
It’s for Appointment added trigger. If you use Appointment published use
instead of
or comment this code
if ( $trigger->get_slug() != 'wordpress/booked_appointments/added' ) { return; }
hello, i used this but they did not recieve any email at all.
also why don’t the file “first name” and “last name” appear at all in the form? https://flashive.eu/appointment-form/
even if i have set
this also happens in https://dikigoros-grafologos.com/appointment-form/ for no obvious reason?
Because you login as admin. Logout and check again.
Please, give me ftp access or make Appearance -> Editor available for me.
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