I’m not sure if I’m missing the demo data that contains the content for the main theme? I’ve tried Hospital and Health so far.
We want this one: https://nordis.true-emotions.studio/
However, nothing seems obvious
Please, give me the site url and admin access. And when did you download the theme archive?
Hi, we just purchased a week or so ago.
Private Content HiddenYou need to reset the WordPress and install this theme. You can use any plugin for reset.
Private Content Hiddenhi, i have the same problem.
How can we get the demo?Also i want to use Elementor. How can i change this
see private content please
Private Content Hiddeni’m a teacher and this is school url for a student
Private Content HiddenYou need to reset the WordPress and install this theme. You can use any plugin for reset.
I am having the same problem.
I do not find the default theme. I would like to find the theme default and use it with the Elementor.
Private Content HiddenHi.
I downloaded the themes and started deactivating the plugins, but the error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS appeared. Can you delete plugins via ftp? or give me ftp access and I fix it.
Could you send me the files and tell me the step-by-step instructions?
If I had another problem I will create another droplet empty for you. But I would like to try.
I made a new installation only for you, the installation is empty.
However, I would like to have the correct files and a documentation updated.
Private Content HiddenThank you! You solved my problem, but I am with other problem. I will request a new ticket.
I’m sorry but I have the same problem. I want to have the Default-Theme-Democontent, but I cant find it.
Kind regards.
Private Content HiddenMaybe someone can tell me how to get the demo content? Is there a URL somewhere where I can download it?
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